Nutritional Snack Program

Tillicum families,

Nutritional Snack Program (formerly known as the Lunch Program): as of May 1, this program has been managed in-house to reduce costs and reduce food waste:

  • The snack will continue to include 1/3 of the daily Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI). Families who use the Program are asked to pay the full amount each month. If the full amount is more than can be afforded, families are asked to contribute their Fair Share.
  • The cost of food has decreased from $6.00/day to $4.00.
  • Food choices may include:
    • 1 piece of seasonal fruit or vegetable: banana, apple, orange, pear, carrots, cucumber
    • 1 dairy: cup of yogurt, piece of cheese, hard-boiled egg
    • 1 choice of healthy grain: bagels & cream cheese, muffin


  • To participate in this program, families must fill out the appropriate form and pay their fair share (there is a link to school cash online embedded in the form):
    • Families unable to contribute the full amount must contact the school to make other arrangements.

We would like to send a big THANK YOU to our friends at Rotary: Victoria-Harbourside for making this subsidized program possible with their generous donation.


Tillicum’s Nutritional Snack Program Coordinator: TBA

If you have any questions regarding this program, please email: